Channel: Chrissy Cousin
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: pillsbig chop updatetransitioning haircoloring natural hairhow to styel my twaaussie moistcutting off all my hairnatural hair journeythe big chopcutting off heat damagenatural girls3c hairprotective stylesstyling twachrissy cousin big chopbeauty tipswatch me cut my hairecostyler on natural hairhair (qotation subject)twa3b hairhair growth inspiration
Description: Hey My Dolls, I hope you all are having an AMAZING 2017 New Year so far and ready to embark on your future ventures! The Big Chop 2016: 2 Month Post Big Chop Update: Important Dates: Big Chop(Recorded): August 1, 2016 Cut off reminder of hair: August 17, 2016 Cut off again: Mid September 2 Month Post Big Chop Update: November 10, 2016 4 Month Post Big Chop Update: January 10, 2017